Strange “cyst” on chick


In the Brooder
Mar 25, 2018
i have a week old black polish, about 3 days ago I noticed a dime size, fluid filled bump on the back of her neck. It’s on the right side. There are veins on it and yesterday I saw things floating in it.

I have done a ton of reading, but not really coming up with any answers.

Any help is much appreciated!!!!!


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Sometimes you can see the crop bulge from behind in chicks since the downy/new feathers don't cover much. I would check to make sure the crop is emptying overnight (full at night/empty first thing in the morning before eating/drinking).

IF your chicks still are using heat and you are using a lamp, it will be hard to check crop function properly, so check the crop, take out food/water for a few hours, then re-check to see if it has reduced in size.

Also making chick grit (crushed granite) available free choice is never a bad idea, even if your chicks are only eating chick starter.

This is what I got on my post.

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