Strange defect


Polish Obsessed
8 Years
Mar 7, 2011
Fort Worth, Tx
We have 5 Chinese white geese. Two of them have a strange defect , their wings stick outwards. PLEASE HELP !
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I agree also....if you caught it early you can tape their wings against their body's and in a few weeks all will be good.

I had 3 that had it. I caught it early. I used painters masking tape. two person job. fold the wings in the right position and have the other person run tape all the way around their body and make like a 3" band. I changed it every 3 day. At night I'd take it off and retape it again the next morning. Took about 3 weeks and all was well.
Have you tried clipping them yet? Does it cause them pain? I hope not.
Does having your nails or hair clipped cause you pain? Clipping should be a last resort because it will need to be repeated when they molt. Clipping one (or more) of those blood filled quill shafts will make them bleed badly and there is no natural healing in a feather. The blood needs to be clotted at the cut shaft and then it will withdraw back into the bird over time. If this fails you will have to pull the bleeders and that does hurt like pulling a finger nail hurts.~gd

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