Strange Egg with whiteish sac around it? *picture included*

My EE that lays blue eggs laid a soft shelled egg one day then the next day she laid this one!


Not really what yours laid but still odd.

I chalked it up to her being a new layer. I have not had any odd eggs since from her.

Is your's a new layer too?
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I too, had a 7 month old hen lay the same thing. I almost looked like the duct came out with the egg. I have no idea which one did this but they are all still alive.
No, shes not a new layer. Shes been laying for 7 months now? In the past 7 months, shes been a great layer!

ANd wow.. that IS a strange egg!! Looks lilke a gourd!

All of the girls seem to be laying slowly right now and I wonder if it has something to do with lighting.

I am going to go get more oystershell today... how should I offer the oyster shell? Should I sprinkle it all around the run?

Thanks so much
I too have gotten an egg encased in some kind of membrane. I have no idea which hen was the culprit. I currently have 10 , 7 month old, Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds and get 5-7 eggs per day.

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