strange looking soft egg help


Jun 8, 2015
One of my girls laid a very soft egg tonight. I have Rhode island reds new Hampshire reds and bars rocks. I have never seen anything like this. Is she ok. They all seem fine.
Soft eggs usually means chickens are not getting sufficient calcium. Not sure what your feed is. Try to give your chickens free choice oyster egg shells. It is good to give regardless if you give layer feed. It is a necessity if you give them starter feed, grower feed , or all flock . If your chicken is healthy otherwise, then everything may correct itself on its own. Sorry I don't have any other answers.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! There are many reasons for soft shell eggs, lack of calcium being one of them. Also if your girls are young this can sometimes happen. Here is a great article on egg quality problems ~

Item no 10 in the article gives possible causes for this. Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow

Yes, many different reasons. Molting? First egg, or still in the beginning stage? Need calcium? If they aren't free range they will need some oyster shell given free choice. I have had them, when I knew they were getting enough calcium, not molting, or beginners. I was thinking, what?
We never know sometimes. I got used to seeing one once in a great while, but not surprised when they started laying..that's when it happens the most over here. :)

Here is a photo of one I found.

Thanks for all the responses. I should of joined the site years ago.4 if my girls are 3 1/2 and the other 9 are all just over a year. I had never seen a soft shell with the things sticking out of the ends so I was concerned. I have tried the oyster shell and the just pic at it. Is it ok to give them their own shells back. I read that some where it besides oyster shells how do I make sure they are getting enough calcium. They are all on later pellets from Paris Farmers Union or TSC.
Of course give them their egg shell crushed up. They will consume them for sure. I usually just step on them to crush them. Some peeps go as far as baking them to dry and more finely crushing them. My way works sufficiently for my girls..

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