Strange new behavior in bantam EE


8 Years
May 15, 2011
Largo, Florida
I have an almost two year old bantam EE. In the last ten days or so she has started behaving very strangely (even for her) before actually settling down to lay her egg. She runs in and out of the coop numerous times and when she goes in she jumps up and down - will even jump up onto the roost then jump right back down repeatedly. Her laying pattern ( every other day) hasn't changed and the eggs are just like they have always been i.e., no change in appearance, size, shape or consistency. The only thing that has changed is her behavior. Does anyone recognize this as a symptom of anything or is it just bantam behavior? She is the only bantam in my flock and I don't really have much experience with bantams except for her. She has always been of the opinion that she is the biggest and baddest in the flock and for the most part my BAs and Cochin/SLW mixes have "let" her, the LBs don't.
I have an almost two year old bantam EE. In the last ten days or so she has started behaving very strangely (even for her) before actually settling down to lay her egg. She runs in and out of the coop numerous times and when she goes in she jumps up and down - will even jump up onto the roost then jump right back down repeatedly. Her laying pattern ( every other day) hasn't changed and the eggs are just like they have always been i.e., no change in appearance, size, shape or consistency. The only thing that has changed is her behavior. Does anyone recognize this as a symptom of anything or is it just bantam behavior? She is the only bantam in my flock and I don't really have much experience with bantams except for her. She has always been of the opinion that she is the biggest and baddest in the flock and for the most part my BAs and Cochin/SLW mixes have "let" her, the LBs don't.
I have a hen that does similar things before she lays. There has never been a problem so I don't worry about it. They are all different.

Mine isn't a bantam.
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