If you look at names from previous generations, biblical names were quite common, and when a name it common, it does not seem odd or unusual. Think about how someone from 1850 or 1750 would consider some of the names people give their children now...especially some of the kids born to celebrities

Also, names common from one culture may seem normal, but odd in a different culture.
Arwen is a Welsh name (Tolkien fans are sometimes surprised by that) and is the feminine form of my son's name, Arwyn
Not so much a strange name, but a strange naming.

Years ago I had a good friend that was named Thomas James Smith (made up name) nothing unusual. He went by Jim. One day I asked him why he used his middle name. He said it was his brothers name. Huh? I didn't know he had a brother. He told me his parents had a firstborn boy and named him Thomas James Smith, then 6 girls. As a child Thomas James died. Then they had another boy (my friend). They gave him the same name as his deceased brother. Creepy I said, Yeah he said, that was why he only used Jim, not Tom.

Imp- I had met his mom and she wasn't "off" .
I have an uncle whose first name is Little, and middle name is Jimmy. Apparently Little Jimmy was a character on a popular radio program at the time he was born. Others on that side of the family sound like they came right out of a Jerry Clower routine.

Another branch of my family tree will give anyone a case of deja vu. For several generations, there is a Cornelius or Cornelia in every family (sometimes as a middle name).

I now have a grand-niece named Avionna (I think that's how it's spelled). I think her mother will regret that.

I once knew a man named Y. Z. Seems he came from a large family; he was what is known as a "change of life baby." Parents were sure he was absolutely the last one, so they named him - Y. Z.
I just heard a story from a teacher friend of mine...she was working with one child, when another came up behind her and slapped her upside her head! The teacher was then attacked, so she retreated to the bathroom, where she tried to get the attacker's parent on the phone while the child kicked at the door, screaming...Another teacher heard the commotion and was able to get the child under control. These are "at risk" kids. In any event, the attacking child's name is...ready for it?

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