Strange poop (possible digestion problem)

I don’t feed them sunflower seeds everyday. They get it as a treat every so often. Yes of course I have wormed my chickens. And I only just wormed them. They have had their first dose (I seen signs of worms in another’s poo), then I have given their follow up treatment.
What exactly feed are you using?
What brand name is it?

What did you use to deworm them?
And I only just wormed them. They have had their first dose (I seen signs of worms in another’s poo), then I have given their follow up treatment.

They have shell grit in their pen at all times, and they free range the yard everyday picking up little bits of rock.
You saw worms in the poop? What type?
What dewormer have you started?

Shell grit (soluble) is Oyster Shell? Are you in US or UK, NZ, AU or??
Sometimes birds will find suitable Grit (insoluble) while roaming about digging in rocky soil (not all rocks make suitable grit), but if you discover that they are not processing foods very well and this is consistent issue, then providing crushed granite or flint would insure they have what they need.
You saw worms in the poop? What type?
What dewormer have you started?

Shell grit (soluble) is Oyster Shell? Are you in US or UK, NZ, AU or??
Sometimes birds will find suitable Grit (insoluble) while roaming about digging in rocky soil (not all rocks make suitable grit), but if you discover that they are not processing foods very well and this is consistent issue, then providing crushed granite or flint would insure they have what they need.
Only tiny baby round worms. But I always check their poop if they do a runny one. So I was right down close looking. You can only just see them moving when you look close. It’s a levamisole based wormer. The shell grit I get is all the crushed sea shells. I’m in Australia. I also use river sand in their pen area which I do see them consuming them a fair bit. She is the only one that has been like that. So I’m confused as to what is going on. Granite is just bought from a garden store?
Only tiny baby round worms. But I always check their poop if they do a runny one. So I was right down close looking. You can only just see them moving when you look close. It’s a levamisole based wormer. The shell grit I get is all the crushed sea shells. I’m in Australia. I also use river sand in their pen area which I do see them consuming them a fair bit. She is the only one that has been like that. So I’m confused as to what is going on. Granite is just bought from a garden store?
Oh, probably Cecal worms then if they are tiny.
Levamisole should take care of those.

If they have river sand then there may be suitable grit in that. Usually insoluble grit (granite or flint) is sold at feed stores or is here in the US. I'm not sure if that's a thing in other parts of the world.

You mention that she had been broody, but has come back into lay. Broody hens have a special kind of overwhelming poop that is just disgusting as you know. It's like did you really do that?!!
Hopefully she will come round if she's been broody, I'd see deworming helps. The food not being processed/ground up if what I see as a concern, but if she does have worms then it's possible once they are taken care of, then the issue may be resolved.
I also use river sand in their pen area which I do see them consuming them a fair bit. She is the only one that has been like that. So I’m confused as to what is going on. Granite is just bought from a garden store?
I see plenty of grit in the background of the poop pic so I don't think that's a problem.

Only tiny baby round worms.
Just want to double check that you weren't seeing tapeworm segments which require a different dewormer (praziquantel).

I'd give your girl's digestive system a rest for a week or so by only feeding easily digested pellet/crumble feed. You can make it even easier (and more enticing) by wetting it a little to make a mash and mixing in a little buttermilk if you have it.
Oh, probably Cecal worms then if they are tiny.
Levamisole should take care of those.

If they have river sand then there may be suitable grit in that. Usually insoluble grit (granite or flint) is sold at feed stores or is here in the US. I'm not sure if that's a thing in other parts of the world.

You mention that she had been broody, but has come back into lay. Broody hens have a special kind of overwhelming poop that is just disgusting as you know. It's like did you really do that?!!
Hopefully she will come round if she's been broody, I'd see deworming helps. The food not being processed/ground up if what I see as a concern, but if she does have worms then it's possible once they are taken care of, then the issue may be resolved.
I’m like a crazy lady. I’m literally on the ground checking their poo to see if I see tiny worms. I want to be onto it as soon as possible. I love my girls way too much! Yeah I put river sand down as it seems to be easier to keep clean and less smell when it rains. And I’ve seen them consuming the tiny rocks so I guess it’s a bonus. I’ve only seen shell grit at the feed stores. Every where is so different hey. Yeah, broody poo is so smelly and they’re massive. You just think, how the hell did that come out of you 😂 I’m concerned as her poos were like this when she was broody, and I thought that was the reason why. Then when she didn’t stop pooping like that I was concerned. I took it as a good sign when she laid an egg the other day, and I think she laid one yesterday too. She’s obviously getting some goodness (fingers crossed). I’m not sure if she had worms or not, I seen them in one of my girls poops and was like hell no! I really hope so though! I’ve been hoping probiotic will help.
Oh, probably Cecal worms then if they are tiny.
Levamisole should take care of those.

If they have river sand then there may be suitable grit in that. Usually insoluble grit (granite or flint) is sold at feed stores or is here in the US. I'm not sure if that's a thing in other parts of the world.

You mention that she had been broody, but has come back into lay. Broody hens have a special kind of overwhelming poop that is just disgusting as you know. It's like did you really do that?!!
Hopefully she will come round if she's been broody, I'd see deworming helps. The food not being processed/ground up if what I see as a concern, but if she does have worms then it's possible once they are taken care of, then the issue may be resolved.
I’m like a crazy lady. I’m literally on the ground checking their poo to see if I see tiny worms. I want to be onto it as soon as possible
I see plenty of grit in the background of the poop pic so I don't think that's a problem.

Just want to double check that you weren't seeing tapeworm segments which require a different dewormer (praziquantel).

I'd give your girl's digestive system a rest for a week or so by only feeding easily digested pellet/crumble feed. You can make it even easier (and more enticing) by wetting it a little to make a mash and mixing in a little buttermilk if you have it.
Not that I know of. They looked like tiny round worms. Yeah I might just avoid giving them anything else for a while.
I’m like a crazy lady. I’m literally on the ground checking their poo to see if I see tiny worms. I want to be onto it as soon as possible

Not that I know of. They looked like tiny round worms. Yeah I might just avoid giving them anything else for a while.
Oh, probably Cecal worms then if they are tiny.
Levamisole should take care of those.

If they have river sand then there may be suitable grit in that. Usually insoluble grit (granite or flint) is sold at feed stores or is here in the US. I'm not sure if that's a thing in other parts of the world.

You mention that she had been broody, but has come back into lay. Broody hens have a special kind of overwhelming poop that is just disgusting as you know. It's like did you really do that?!!
Hopefully she will come round if she's been broody, I'd see deworming helps. The food not being processed/ground up if what I see as a concern, but if she does have worms then it's possible once they are taken care of, then the issue may be resolved.
My poor Goldie girl. I went in there this morning to feed them and she was on the ground unable to stand. Her feet are sort of curled up. She’s interested in food and water. She gulped some scrambled eggs I made her before. I’ve brang her inside and going to give her an epsom salt bath soon to clean her bum. I seen her on the perch last night when I checked them. She stands up every now and then. But it’s like she’s finding it hard to keep her feet flat because of how they’re curling up. Has anyone had experience with this before?
I’m like a crazy lady. I’m literally on the ground checking their poo to see if I see tiny worms. I want to be onto it as soon as possible

Not that I know of. They looked like tiny round worms. Yeah I might just avoid giving them anything else for a while.
Oh, probably Cecal worms then if they are tiny.
Levamisole should take care of those.

If they have river sand then there may be suitable grit in that. Usually insoluble grit (granite or flint) is sold at feed stores or is here in the US. I'm not sure if that's a thing in other parts of the world.

You mention that she had been broody, but has come back into lay. Broody hens have a special kind of overwhelming poop that is just disgusting as you know. It's like did you really do that?!!
Hopefully she will come round if she's been broody, I'd see deworming helps. The food not being processed/ground up if what I see as a concern, but if she does have worms then it's possible once they are taken care of, then the issue may be resolved.
My poor Goldie girl. I went in there this morning to feed them and she was on the ground unable to stand. Her feet are sort of curled up. She’s interested in food and water. She gulped some scrambled eggs I made her before. I’ve brang her inside and going to give her an epsom salt bath soon to clean her bum. I seen her on the perch last night when I checked them.

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