Strange question about new ducklings....


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Northeast Ohio
I am (finally) getting my ducklings this Thursday, and I am so excited. I am new to the duck world. My strange question is: my associate was supposed to work on Thursday, but her appendectomy site abscessed (ouch!!), so she can't work. Since I have to work an at least 10 hour day the morning I receive my ducklings, would it be better to take them to work with me to keep an eye on them? They would be away from all the action at work. I think that would be best for them. I also need to work Friday, all day, so I think I would bring them along then, too. The weather is supposed to be sunny and in the mid 70's both days. Any thoughts would be so greatly appreciated!
If it was me, I would take them in to work, just cuz I would want to love on them all day lol. Just bring a heat lamp to keep them warm, and probably extra bedding
What kind of duckies are you getting? And lots of pics!!!!
Thanks for your input. That's my thought. I have an EcoGlow brooder light for them, so transport should be easier. I am getting Cayugas, Buff Orpingtons, Welsh Harlequins, and Blue Swedish. Very excited!! For sure I'll get pictures:)
I'd just be sure the brooder is set up and not too hot/cold and pick up ducklings, get them settled and head to work. They will be fine at home.
Thanks, all, for your input. It's been a crazy few weeks, as I had to work 6 days in a row for 2 weeks that I was not expecting to. I was hoping to have a few days off to spend with the ducklings, but all went well. The first 3 arrived from Metzer Farm (2 Blue Swedish and 1 Welsh Harlequin) that I did end up bringing with me to work for 2 days. They did well. The next batch arrived this past Wednesday from eFowl (2 Cayugas, 1 Buff, and 1 Welsh Harlequin), and they got to stay home with the others. I can honestly say that I am very impressed with the health and happiness of all 7 ducklings. I wasn't sure how they would arrive, but all are great!! And for a first time duck owner, I understand the obsession! I can spend hours just watching them. It was neat to see the older ducklings become so protective of the younger ducklings so quickly. And naming them was fun: 2 Cayugas are Poppy and Licorice, 2 Welsh Harlequins are S'Mores and Truffles, 2 Blue Swedish are Pebbles (she has spots) and Pagaya, and the Buff Orpington is Buttercup. So that is the update. I was also curious to know when do you think it is safe to put the ducklings on pine shavings? Currently they are on pine shavings but with towels on top. The newest batch are going to be 1 week old tomorrow. And boy do they grow fast!!!

The day I received my FIRST ducklings:)

Almost 1 week old - they grow TOO fast!!!

The week-olds with the day olds!

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