Strange rooster behavior


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 26, 2009
Do rosters ever get into a nest box and act like they're going to lay an egg?
Rush was the best rooster there ever was. I lost him to a coyote attack last April. Every morning Rush would call his hens outside the coop for breakfast. He would scratch around for the best bugs, find the best pellets and dig under the bushes for any choice morsels. He never ate until the girls were done. When breakfast was finished he would return to the coop to prepare the nests. He would go into each nest and fluff up the hay. Then he would scrunch down and make a nice round depression to cradle the eggs. He did this to all three nest boxes and he did this every day. He is greatly missed.
You mean like this?



Versace is always checking nests or looking for better spots.
Yes, does he make those clucking sounds like a hen whle he's doing that?

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