"Stray" Roosters and My New Pullets


6 Years
Apr 15, 2013

I just recently moved my 6 pullets out to their coop for the first time and I am now concerned about the two neighborhood stray roosters that frequently hang out in my yard. One of my neighbors used to own a small flock of RIRs but they have all but abandoned them. Now there are only the two roosters and one hen left who all roost in a tree and free range through several different yards. We haven't seen the hen in a few weeks so I am not sure if she died or is setting on eggs. My concern, however, is that within minutes of my pullets coming down into their run the roosters came up to them and started strutting and crowing. Then, the two roos started fighting each other and my MIL had to shoo them out of the yard, I would be happy to take the roosters into my flock, however, my coop just isn't big enough! Should I worry about the roosters once I start free ranging my girls in a few weeks? I don't want them to "steal" them away or attack them. I also worry they would come into the coop to roost and overcrowd my girls.

Thanks for reading and any advice you can give!


I just recently moved my 6 pullets out to their coop for the first time and I am now concerned about the two neighborhood stray roosters that frequently hang out in my yard. One of my neighbors used to own a small flock of RIRs but they have all but abandoned them. Now there are only the two roosters and one hen left who all roost in a tree and free range through several different yards. We haven't seen the hen in a few weeks so I am not sure if she died or is setting on eggs. My concern, however, is that within minutes of my pullets coming down into their run the roosters came up to them and started strutting and crowing. Then, the two roos started fighting each other and my MIL had to shoo them out of the yard, I would be happy to take the roosters into my flock, however, my coop just isn't big enough! Should I worry about the roosters once I start free ranging my girls in a few weeks? I don't want them to "steal" them away or attack them. I also worry they would come into the coop to roost and overcrowd my girls.

Thanks for reading and any advice you can give!


Make soup
Haha! I'm not opposed to the idea of eating one of my birds I would hate to kill the roosters.The are really handsome birrds and my DS loves to watch them strut around the yard. So long as they aren't a threat to my flock I am happy to leave them alone, I just don't want any trouble with my girls!


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