Striped bantam chick...what is it?


7 Years
Apr 9, 2012
Can anyone help identify the breed of this bantam chick? I got it from the tractor supply company with some red sex links and wondered what breed it is...(it was labeled 'bantam mixed breeds', of course)...

Either way - thanks!

Oh yeah? Any way o knowing what she'll look like? (if it IS a she...) OEGB brings up a bunch of different looking birds....
oh its a duckwing bantam :) i have one it's still a chick and its the sweetest thing . if i put my hand down by it .... it will jump right into my hand . cute little guys they are . here is a site that shows the chicks and pictures of the adults i think the one you have is the 2nd to the bottom shows the chick younger then yours but you will see what i mean . the guy tells a story about the breed in the little video .

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