Struggling chicken handler


9 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Hello chicken family...I am not really new at the chicken thing but everyday is a learning experience for me. I had my chickens for about a year in a half, I have two ladies and one mean rooster who seems to want to attack me on the regular. Well anyway one of my neighbors called the MC inspectors on me so I had to move the coop...with my yard falling short of the distance regulations, I ended up putting them in my garage :rolleyes:, so now it is a little difficult trying to guide them into the back yard so that they can run around the yard for the day and putting them away for bed time. I let them out early so now I have to worry about the ladies laying the eggs anywhere in the yard, I tried putting a bucket like thing with some fluff in it but big red, the rooster just knocks it over. I also worry about them staying in their own yard sometimes they like to jump the fence and visit the neighbors or taking a stroll down the street...I love my chickens would not like to see any harm come to them any advise would be greatly appreciated...Thanks
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Trimming their wings would help reduce their ability to jump the fence. IMO I would not keep a bad-tempered rooster - his crowing may have contributed to your neighbors turning you in. Hens lay just as many eggs without a rooster around.
Thanks yes it probably was the rooster and my one neighbor is a meany...when everything checked out ok with the inspector I was gonna keep the rooster just to get on her but your right I am not gonna keep dealing with the aggressive issue that the rooster has so I talked to my farmer and she said that I can bring him back and she will exchange me for a lady :). I will look up some information on how to clip the chickens wings.

Thank You for your response

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