Stupid question...


6 Years
Feb 16, 2013
Columbia, Virginia
...I know...but...when I put my chicks out in the coop permanently, do I leave the coop run door open while they are in the run or close it and open it when it's time for them to bed down for the night? I'm so afraid if I leave it open it will fall on one of them and decapitate it...the door is on a rope attached to a pulley.
They should be able to come in and out as they please (to lay eggs or get their food/water). If you are worried about the door falling, maybe attach a clip to help hold it up?
I leave my coop door open from morning to night, they go in and out all day. Maybe you could put a nail on the outside to wrap the string around to hold the door open?
I don't know how old they are, but if they are pullets or full grown hens, and they need to lay an egg and the door is closed, that would not good!
it's the door with the U shaped white frame. This pic was taken before we bought the house...the string hanging down has been replaced. You can half see the pulley above the door.

Here's a current I can get cuz of the top I made for the run. I have the rope hooked on some nails, but I'm still scared it will fail. Maybe I could give myself some peace of mind by putting a sturdy stick under the door in case it falls...then the stick would prevent it from falling and decapitating one of my chicks.


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