styrofoam to make chickens lay eggs


8 Years
May 17, 2011
A friend told me she gave her hens tiny bits of styrofoam to encourage egg lating last winter when production slacked off. She got her information from a farmer. It worked. Any of you experts have an opinion on this?
I have to say "I don't believe it"

Any positive results would be anecdotal at best. Think about it.
It's expanded polystyrene, at best it's not food. At worst it's poisonous.
When exposed to vitamin A (which would be in chickens diets) it breaks down to m-xylene, toluene, and 2,6-dimethylnaphthalene.

Decreased egg laying in winter is entirely attributable to shortened day length. Styrofoam doesn't add light to the coop.

I'd say the farmer was pulling the city slickers leg. Or worse yet, you musn't believe anything the farmer says about chickens.

Some farmers say all you have to feed chickens is corn. They did that in the old days when there were just a few chickens ranging over a large farm with lots of greens, seeds and bugs not to mention the horse and cow manure they could pick through for worms and other grains.
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Chickens will eat styrofoam, to many owners dismay.
I have never heard that it encourages egg laying. I'm inclined to think it is an old wives tale.

Laying in winter is enhanced with adding light.

Imp- And, Welcome to BYC. It's nice to see new "faces".
By the way Margaret, welcome.
I hope we're not being too harsh. It just goes to show you can't believe everything you hear. If it sounds strange, it's probably wrong.
welcome to byc! Styrofoam will not help chickens lay. However, it may stop them up and cause death.
To help them lay, you can check their diet for proper nutriton and that they are getting 14 hours of light a day.
Search this forum for more info on nutrition and lighting. There is more info in byc than anywhere you can find.
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I have no reason to believe that feeding chickens plastic would make them lay more eggs.
If her hens did start laying more eggs, it was because of some other factor that changed.
The problem is, even if it works, that styrofoam, which is made of chemicals and plastic is then ingested by you when you eat the eggs. No thanks. I can get healthier eggs at the store.

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