Successful variation on the "deep litter" method !


6 Years
Apr 29, 2014
Silver Springs, Florida
My large yard has an abundance of huge trees - many of which are water oaks that drop leaves regularly. The ground is covered with them, and they provide shelter for all sorts of of teenie critters, and a lovely surface that requires little care.

I recently visited a chicken owning neighbor, and she uses leaves exclusively, in her bird's coop. So, I decided to try it myself , for my very first chickens ! My coop is half of a converted potting shed - works well.

I have brought in piles of leaves, and they settle down nicely, and hide wonderful surprises for the girls to dig up !

Occasionally, I pile on more leaves, which generally incites a rather amusingly enthusiastic digging frenzy all over again. The leaves are about 4" deep at this point.

I've noticed there is no smell. When I'm visiting, If I notice a fresh poop, I simply bury it in the leaves. And of course, the chickens are continually rearranging them anyway.

As the leaves break down, they form soil. And under that soil, is naturally occurring sand (this IS Florida, after all !). So dust baths only require some happy digging on the bird's part. Once they're older, and out during the day to free range, they will be used to lots of leaves . There is also grass.

And, the leaves look nice, and kind of blend with the color of the chickens - all very aesthetically pleasing, you see, along with good camouflage !

A perfect solution, and the price is definitely right - Thanks Mama Nature!

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