Sudden Bully Problem


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2021
I have a flock of 6. Three red sex link; 2 Buckeyes; 1 Buff Orpington. They are 1.5 years old and were raised together since day 1. The Buff Orpington, Buffy, went broody three weeks ago. She was sitting in the nest box for @ 48 hours. When she did come out, several of the others ganged up on her quite viciously. Jumping on her back, etc. They've never behaved that way. I separated Buffy in a chicken tractor with small attached x-pen, where she could see the flock. She stopped being broody after 3-4 days. I started allowing her supervised free range time with the rest of the flock. Everyone was fine with her except Dot, one of my Buckeyes. Dot continued to be quite aggressive with her.

I kept Buffy separated several more days. Again I tried reintroducing in a free range environment, so they had plenty of space. Dot continued to target Buffy, although not as aggressively. But still physically moving her around, pinning her in corners, taking a quick peck when she could. I then penned off part of the coop yard. Buffy has the small area during the day, so she can still see and be near the flock. At night, I put Dot in the chicken tractor and allow Buffy to roost with the flock. Buffy and the flock get along just fine. Dot and the flock get along just fine. But I still cannot allow Dot and Buffy together.

Buffy is de-stressed enough now with her private area that she's begun laying again. Dot has always been a sporadic layer, so it's hard to tell.

Their coop is 30 sq. ft. for 6 birds. Their run is 120 sq. ft. I haven't made any changes to their food since they started laying. They get daily outings either in the x-pen or free range. We interact with them regularly. They have a chicken playground in the coop and get healthy treats every few days. In other words, they are spoiled rotten and until this recent incident, they got along great and were really easy to care for.

I'm considering removing Dot from the flock completely and making her a backyard chicken with the chicken tractor to roost in at night. Perhaps having Paisley, the other Buckeye, keep her company. Paisley is a very docile chicken that gets along with everyone, only lays very occasionally, and then usually a small "fart" egg.

I really just want my happy flock back. The chicken dance of separating Buffy during the day and then catching and moving Dot at night is wearing and probably stressful to them as well. Suggestions appreciated.
Broodiness changes the demeanor of a bird and can make them seem like a stranger to the flock. The separation has served to increase that 'stranger' status. I would remove Dot from the flock for several weeks and let her cool off.
Broodiness changes the demeanor of a bird and can make them seem like a stranger to the flock. The separation has served to increase that 'stranger' status. I would remove Dot from the flock for several weeks and let her cool off.
Thanks. That was my inclination, but I didn't want to make things worse.

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