Sudden Death in My Flock :(


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2015
I woke up yesterday morning to find my beautiful Red Star, Lizzy, dead in her coop. She was laying peacefully on her back in her favorite laying place. First, given her location, i thought she must have had trouble passing an egg, but i was told that was unlikely since egg bound chickens suffer for days. She was perfectly healthy not 10 hours before. We used to joke that she thought she was a dog :) She followed us everywhere while in the coop and loved to be held and petted.

We are heartbroken, but what makes this especially difficult is we have no idea what happened. My state offers necropsy services for deceased birds, so i have her bagged up in the fridge awaiting drop off tomorrow. All of my other birds seem fine, but so did she :hit. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Could it be worms? All appear healthy, vibrant combs and waddles, eating and drinking well and so on. The only thing that makes me wonder is they do have loose stools from time to time but no worms are present. Please tell me my babies are gonna be ok!
She had laid an egg the previous morning. She was quite the little egg factory! She'd only been laying for 2 weeks and had already produced nearly a dozen.
Tough call since she had laid an egg the day before. It would be best to get a necropsy performed. Let us know the results of the necropsy when you get a chance. Sorry you lost Lizzy.
Sorry to hear. I had two australorpes go that way. I never did figure it out and nothing like it ever happened again. Why is it always the favorites!:/
I'm sorry about your Australorps Stewart :( It does seem to be that way doesn't it, the favorites go first. Lizzy was finally picked up today, so hopefully we'll get some closure. Blessed to live in a state that offers this service.

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