Sudden Death


Feb 12, 2018
Hagerstown MD 21742
What could cause y 21week old cockerel to literally fall over dead?! Yesterday he was running around like normal & this AM he was dead on coop floor No injuries or any predator entry. We hatched him from one of our hen's and our rooster this spring! No recent flock changes/additions, no other birds with any problems. Will be taking him to animal lab for a post mortem first thing tomorrow when it opens.
I had the same thing happen to one of my pullets. There are so many viruses, bacteria, diseases and other medical issues that can cause a sudden death or decline in health.. it was terrifying trying to figure it all out!! In my case another pullet got sick and died relatively quickly and it was most likely coccidiosis. Hopefully the necropsy gives you some answers and peace of mind. In the meantime I would keep an eye on your flock just in case.

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