Sudden Death


Sep 25, 2021
All chickens came out of the coop this morning. They are free range in my yard. She was acting fine the previous day. When I got home after being gone 8 hours I found my Rhode Island Red in the garden in the sitting position with her head turn to her wing. She seemed to have been dead for hours. Her body was already rigor mortus and there was a slight smell. I read another post and heard about Marek's. Any thoughts? Should I be concerned about my other girls?
All chickens came out of the coop this morning. They are free range in my yard. She was acting fine the previous day. When I got home after being gone 8 hours I found my Rhode Island Red in the garden in the sitting position with her head turn to her wing. She seemed to have been dead for hours. Her body was already rigor mortus and there was a slight smell. I read another post and heard about Marek's. Any thoughts? Should I be concerned about my other girls?
I had that happen to my Barnevelder when she was about a year and a half, she was fine when I left to go to the beach and dead three hours later when I got back. I sent her for a necropsy and it turned out that she had a burst liver. She also had eggs laid internally.

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