Sudden drop in production from whole flock


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 16, 2013
Cincinnati, Ohio
My 7 chickens who hatched out last May came of age just as our days got shorter, and none of them layed eggs through the winter. We were thrilled this spring when they started laying. We were getting 5-7 eggs a day. Suddenly, last week that dropped to 1-2. I haven't made any changes to their food, water, or environment. They all look healthy. What could cause this sudden flock-wide drop in production?

I have them on a layer formula. They spend most of the day ranging in our suburban backyard (few places for them to be hiding eggs, and we have searched). As the weather has gotten warmer, they are going through water more quickly, but we are keeping up with that. At a loss here.
Are they molting? Chickens often stop laying when they molt. Their bodies need all that energy to grow new feathers. If it's really really hot out, that can affect laying, even if they're getting plenty of water.

Stress can be a factor. Any signs of a predator, or did your neighbors get a new dog? Lots of kids playing outside near the coop?

Maybe grab a hen and check her for any parasites. They can pick up mites or lice from wild birds.....

I'm just throwing some things out there.......
Good suggestions above, but here are a couple more:

Are any of them spending excess time in the laying box? Perhaps a couple are going broody.

If they are laying outside, something may be getting to the eggs before you can - snake perhaps?

Our weather has been warmer and more humid in the last couple of weeks, so perhaps they are just getting used to that.

Make sure they have access to oyster shell for added calcium. If they don't have enough calcium, the shells may be thin and they are breaking them and eating them. You may not find any shell fragments, but you may find a wet spot in the laying box.
Thanks for the tips. No signs of broodiness or egg eating. I doubt something is getting into the nesting boxes. I'm going to keep an eye for potential stressors and check for parasites.

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