Sudden Lathargic Hen??? Help


11 Years
Sep 4, 2008
I have a 10mo old Rhode Island Red. All was fine when the hens went to bed last night but when I went to let them out this morning my Rhode Island wouldn't come off the roost. She just sat up there motionless....kinda dazed. I got her off because I didn't want her injuring herself if she tried to get down. When I set her down she just stands there and doesn't move at all. Same when I pick her up....she just lets me do whatever with her. I have separated her from the others in a smaller cage with food and water and she is still just standing in a coma???? She was fine yesterday...nothing out of the ordinary at all. I feed them laying pellets but they also free range. Any suggestions?????
Update on my Rhode Island....she died and hour later. If anyone can suggest anything as to what may have happened. Everything was fine yesterday with and this morning just dazed and now dead. I'm concerned for my other hens now and I have broody hen on 6 eggs.
Well I'll say that I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. I too have a hen that has been lethargic, no eating and drinking only when I put a dish up to her beak. She has been a week now like this and I keep hoping that she comes out of this or go to "sleep".
Did you do a necropsy? I will guess, was she standing, straining like she needed to defecate? Is she a young bird?
The reasons I ask this is if a couple of these things happened then I would say it could have been egg bound, or if she laid a leathery egg recently, it could have imploded and from experience my Penny, Cochin, lasted maybe a day.
If you have another bird show signs like this one did, contact your local Extension Service, find out who you can take this next bird to for testing (usually minimal), or even blood work, make sure you tell them that you do not want a bird put down and necropsy, just blood (if she is alive- dead of course it doesn't matter) If you was in Maine I could tell you who to contact. Perhaps you should look it up and find out prior to ever needing anything. Its good to make contact with folks. Also for a small price a certified NPIP tester will come to your home, take blood to have it tested for virus/diseases.
Take care and again, sorry to hear of your trouble.
Thanks for the information...I will see who I can contact in my area and what I can do for testing should anything come up with my other hens. I sure hope not. I hope and pray all fairs well with yours and that she comes through. Thanks again

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