Sudden Move for Broody Hen and Eggs

Dorr To Eden

Aug 12, 2016
We had a down pour in a short time, and it flooded out my broody hen on her 15 eggs. The eggs were submerged in water for maybe 1 hour. We moved the hen and eggs to a dry nest, but my question is are the eggs even worth keeping now and miss broody hen has no desire to be on this nest. I know you need to move at night but I had no choice.
We had a down pour in a short time, and it flooded out my broody hen on her 15 eggs. The eggs were submerged in water for maybe 1 hour. We moved the hen and eggs to a dry nest, but my question is are the eggs even worth keeping now and miss broody hen has no desire to be on this nest. I know you need to move at night but I had no choice.

Nope, they are no good. Sorry, Karen
How long has she been sitting on the eggs? Do you have an incubator or can you get one? The eggs should be fine if you can get the hen to sit on them again. If not get a incubator and place them in it. The count down is from the time she has sat on the eggs. In other words if she sat on them for 14 days then they are on day 14 for bator purposes. Good luck and hope thing work oout

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