suddenly sick buff duck


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 31, 2012
just joined today, my 1 yr old female buff duck, started walking around yesterday like she was drunk and weak, seemed like she couldn't support herself, she's still eating and drinking, when i put her in the baby pool she just floats around, not too much else, i have to take her back out, as she seems listless and weak, don't know what to do, she was fine yesterday, any suggestions?, she hatched three healthy babies about 3 weeks ago. She's falling over and dragging herself sometimes too?

Could she have gotten into something Toxic?

Has she been eating properly while she was broody?
i don't think so, the brooding went fine, 9 eggs laid, 3 hatched babies doing fine 2 females 1 male, and dad not sick either
She was eating her regular duck pellets, that she always had, and she still eats and drinks, seemed to be ok this morning, later around 4pm went out and found her this way
She was fine yesterday, don"t think she got into anything, other ducks and babies fine
Is her regular duck pellet one that is formulated especially for ducks? I.e. does it have the required extra niacin? Or are you adding brewers yeast to her food?
haven't added brewers yeast ever, and her food has niacin listed, but doesn't say how much, , crude protein 20%, lysine1.00% calcium 1.30%

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