Suggestions for adding a new rooster w/established bantam rooster


7 Years
Mar 9, 2012
North Carolina
We've got a bantam OEG rooster that is really friendly, but hides faster than the girls when there's a threat. We are also hoping to hatch some chicks some day in the future. We've talked about adding a full size rooster to our small flock and wondered how an introduction could be made that would help a full size rooster and our bantam roo get along better. We are leaning towards adding a Jersey Giant since many of our girls are full size.

Any experienced folks want to share advice or suggestions?
I've never raised bantams but I know their size doesn't necessarily diminish their aggressiveness.

If you have plenty of hens and space adding roosters isn't usually a big deal.
You always want to quarantine new birds. After the quarantine period, I would remove the original rooster, putting him in the quarantine space and give the new one a few days to get used to the flock and then return the original.

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