Suggestions on keeping this girl in the yard? And...


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 31, 2009
St Tammany
Can you tell me her breed?



I have 6 foot fences, have clipped both her wings and made sure there is nothing that she can jump up on to get over the fence, but she still does somehow get into my neighbor's yard. When she comes back into our yard she passes through our garden for a snack in my freshly tilled and worm filled beds. She is annoying the neighbors and destroying my vegetable garden. Any suggestions?

I'm afraid that I'm going to have to put her in the scratch pen every day or keep her cooped up.
Oh...her earlobes are not white like my white leghorn and she lays cream colored while I was leaning toward her being a brown leghorn...I don't think so. Maybe a mixed breed?
Here you go. That bump on her head was bleeding when I got her. She was attacked by a friend's dogs when she went broody. It has since healed, but is still sticking up like that...I'm not sure if that is a trait of her breed of if it is due to her injury. I put her out front in the scratch pen today with another chicken, but she just paced and acted unhappy, so I took her out and put her back in the chicken yard. My other hens love going to the front yard in the scratch pen to look for worms and grubs.


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