I have a week old baby that has an eye closed. It's not crusty or anything, didn't look bad until last night. I noticed it's a just a tad swollen in the bottom lid. I'm guessing it's a little infection in it. I have two other babys and they are doing fine, one runs around like a lttle fire ball. This little one with the eye shut seems to sleep a little more. Please, this is our first batch, should have had more but learned a lot with this batch as far as what to do and what not to do. Is there something I can easily do or get around home. I have not tried to open it, did just a little this morning before work but she did not like it so I put her down. Suggestions what I can get?? I wanted to take her to the vet Friday morning for I have that day off, but don't want to take her away from the heat.??
Thank you.
Thank you.