
Smith farm

8 Years
May 3, 2011
Blum, Tx
Ok this is my first time to hatch on my own I have usually helped a friend with hers and feel pretty confident. I set on the 1st and locked down on the 18th. they started hatching over night Friday night into saturday morning and continued all day Saturday and I woke to find 2 more this morning. My question is would ya"ll candle the remaining eggs tonite and give them a couple more days that is the direction I'm leaning. Thanks for all your input
I've heard that they can take up to 23-26 days, depending on the average temperature.
Candling would probably be good to see if there are any live ones left.
Thanks I think my daughter and I will candle tonite when we lockdown the other two trays this evening. I am just suprised at how some hatched Friday and some on Saturday then some during the night last night. The little buggers sure are making it nerve racking lol
I always set my eggs to hatch on Saterdays as I don't work weekends (other than arround the ranch), I always get the first few on Fri, most on Sat, and then the last few on Sun. My temps are always solid, and never open the bator other than to add and remove eggs. I do staggerd hatches and incubate in one and hatch in another. I have found that some breeds hatch faster than others. Ameraucanas are slow, always the last to hatch, Orps and Aust are fast and early, EE's pretty much right on day 21.

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