Sulfadimethoxine to treat cocci? Questions...


7 Years
Mar 15, 2012
So I need to treat my flock for coccidia. One died about a week ago and though the rest all seem normal treating for cocci was advised to me. The only thing we could find around here is sulfadimethoxine. The package is a unclear so I have yet to use it. I found this link on the stuff-
But I says not to use on chickens over 16 weeks. The majority of my flock is 18-19 weeks. If someone could give me advice I would really appreciate it. I also need to figure out if I need to separate my ducks to treat everyone. The package says meat and replacement bird- whatever that means- turkeys, and cows. Nothing about ducks.
I've used sulfadimethoxine and Corrid. Both work. The first one is a tsp per gallon. I've given liquid Corrid at 2 tsp per gallon during an active outbreak, or 1 tsp powder Corrid.
Thank you both of you! The link answered a little bit...
Seminolewind- did you use it on egg layers over 16 weeks?
I have 13 eleven day old chicks, and I think there is some blood in their poop. I have picked up two packets of antibiotics from the feed store: Oxytetracycline and Sulfadimethoxine. I have no idea how much is a safe dose for them. HELP!
Since your chicks are young with bloody poop I would start them on sulfadimethoxine , I use a teaspoon per gallon with results and no problems. Others may use different doses. Sulfadimethoxine is also an antibiotic.

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