Sulmet in eggs?

Another thing you can use for coccidiosis is cayenne pepper if you are afraid of the drugs. Sprinkle 1 tbls. on their food and if possible mix it. that way everyone gets it. You can use this everyday, It can't possibly hurt them and in fact provides some good vitamins for them. My birds see the food with the red from the pepper and they are just all over it. They don't have the taste buds we have so can't feel the heat. Do you use ACV? This is another thing that makes their guts an unpleasant place for cocci. As rotten as the oocytes are they also need a certain enviroment to live and reproduce.

How bad is the cocci in your flock? If it's bad use the Sulmet.
Thanks for the response.

One or possible two hens had diarrhea but we only have five, so I started the Sulmet and the coop was free of wet splats the next morning, just 18 hours a after I started treatment. They are on their 2nd day of 1/2 dose today. I was so stressed since the first hen to got sick died so quickly so I am glad I decided to treat them.

I was thinking about garlic and cayenne for worms. And have ACV that I will start adding it to their water as soon as they finish the Sulmet.
am opting to not use sulmet....will try the cayenne much apple cider vinegar to put in water?
Thanks for the response.

One or possible two hens had diarrhea but we only have five, so I started the Sulmet and the coop was free of wet splats the next morning, just 18 hours a after I started treatment. They are on their 2nd day of 1/2 dose today. I was so stressed since the first hen to got sick died so quickly so I am glad I decided to treat them.

I was thinking about garlic and cayenne for worms. And have ACV that I will start adding it to their water as soon as they finish the Sulmet.
After they finish the Sulmet, you really should give them a few days of vitamins and probiotics. The sulfa drugs are hard on their systems and a little help from you will go a long way. Scrambled eggs are another good thing for their bellies. Even though they are not children I have found if you do for your chickens as you would for a child, soft nutritious foods will help get them back on their feet quickly.

I am so glad to hear the Sulmet is working for you! After a few days start giving a sprinkle of the cayenne on their food or the garlic. Both have some really good vitamins and can't hurt the birds. Also, make sure you clean their coop after you finish the Sulmet. Give it a couple of days after the last dose and then do a thorough cleaning. Start the cayenne on the 3rd day after giving vitamins and probiotics and then clean again in a week. You should have removed all of the offenders by then. Good luck!
I am so glad to hear the Sulmet is working for you! After a few days start giving a sprinkle of the cayenne on their food or the garlic. Both have some really good vitamins and can't hurt the birds. Also, make sure you clean their coop after you finish the Sulmet. Give it a couple of days after the last dose and then do a thorough cleaning. Start the cayenne on the 3rd day after giving vitamins and probiotics and then clean again in a week. You should have removed all of the offenders by then. Good luck!
The coop floor is covered with an inch of stall dry and since it takes about a minute to sift it with a cat litter scoop I clean it every day. I scribed the whole coop and changed the sand after the hen died but will screen all of it a couple of times as you suggest. I added (liquid baby) vitamins to the water today.

I found a gross thing that looked like bloody guts in the yard today but after half a half hour of searching I am pretty sure it was the only one,

The chickens appear to acting normally, the two that allowed me to check have clean vents and the other three don't have obvious stuff on their butt feathers. I am not sure it came out of a chicken but the stuff inside looked and smelled like it might be stuff birds (or squirrels) eat. We do have a cat that hunts though I found no other trace of a killed animal. I am worried but not sue what I should do now.
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The coop floor is covered with an inch of stall dry and since it takes about a minute to sift it with a cat litter scoop I clean it every day. I scribed the whole coop and changed the sand after the hen died but will screen all of it a couple of times as you suggest. I added (liquid baby) vitamins to the water today.

I found a gross thing that looked like bloody guts in the yard today but after half a half hour of searching I am pretty sure it was the only one,

The chickens appear to acting normally, the two that allowed me to check have clean vents and the other three don't have obvious stuff on their butt feathers. I am not sure it came out of a chicken but the stuff inside looked and smelled like it might be stuff birds (or squirrels) eat. We do have a cat that hunts though I found no other trace of a killed animal. I am worried but not sue what I should do now.
If the birds are acting normal...nothing. Just watch and see what happens from here.
I was reading this post

because I have an americauna laying hen (Eagle) that's had sour crop for a week and read yesterday that sulmet can be used to help cure it. As someone in the post suggested, I did not read the entire label before I gave it to Eagle yesterday, and this morning I found the part where it says not to administer to laying hens. I resorted to meds because my food regimen didn't seem to be working and I don't want her to die.

I just put two and two together - dont give sulmet to laying hens; sulmet has sulfa in it; I am allergic to sulfa based drugs.

So...what was the conclusion about eating eggs from Sulmet medicated chickens? Yes? No? Waiting period? She's a great layer (and theyre green) so I don't want to waste them forever!

If you are allergic to sulfa drugs, I would wait 2 weeks post treatment to eat her eggs. But, that is just what I think would be enough to clear the drug based on the 10-15 withdraw time of the drug prior to slaughter of animals for consumption. If it's out of the system enough to eat the meat in 10-15 days, there isn't any measurable amount to be put into eggs either.

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