Summer Broody - Is it too hot?


May 10, 2021
I have a polish hen that has gone broody. It is summer right now and in the high 80s and low 90s most days. So inside the bird barn it can feel even warmer in the heat of the day. Is that too hot to let her try? Both for the eggs developing and for her? We had a silkie go broody this spring and she successfully hatched out her eggs but it was much cooler then. Should I let her try or should I put her in broody chicken jail?
if you have a place to put her that is cooler or gets a breeze during the day, it would probably be better for her. as far as letting her try or broody jail, I think it depends on if you want chicks.
if you have a place to put her that is cooler or gets a breeze during the day, it would probably be better for her. as far as letting her try or broody jail, I think it depends on if you want chicks.
Thanks for the reply. Chicks wouldn't be a problem. I just don't want to put the polish hen at risk if it is too hot for her to sit. I've never had a broody during the summer before.

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