Summer Project

I have frozen old gallon milk jugs of water for my hens, set them in the shade, soon there will be a few girls gathered round the cool spots. We have been in the triple digits already this year supposed to be again this week. UGH..

I got the kiddie pool today. Both girls let me run cool water under their wings and breasts and feet tonight. They had watermelon this mornin. And tomorrow i am gonna try the pool. I am gonna put frozen melon in there to entice them. If that doesnt work welp... guess i will be havin a hoar bath with them lol! I was also gonna try the water bottles too... i only had one gallon one filled yesterday and the rabbits had it. :/. I froze three more last night though. :).
ok now I have come up with another idea, lol confetti backgrounds


isn't something like this beautiful? I wish I was so talented.

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