Summer Project

Sorry I have been MIA my husband is in the hosp. I have been camped out here since Wed, running home checking animals 2x's a day, still cleaning I finally went into a coma today much needed sleep feel so much better DH is having a heart cath tomorrow, I have been working on a tie quilt another college wall hanging. A doc I clean her house thought I needed me time and bought me a spot so I went. I had fun for 4 hours and it the owl named Cora by fiber works, but we will see how mine turns out, DH has been helping me cut, lol want to see my set up, lol it is a first for the nurses here!!! ok the bag is what I'm going to make on the 24th in class the fabric is what I'm going to use and the Owl is what the instructor did for show, now if mine can look half as good. and then my set up, lol


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OH wow Katsdar!! That owl is quite impressive!!

Ladies, I'm afraid I'm going to have to bow out of this one. I'm afraid I'm going to run out of time to get mine made. We are getting ready for our auction and I'm just a bit overwhelmed! :oops: I even bought my fabric and have it all planned, but I'm afraid I can't get my mind on it as I should. So I will be watching and waiting to see how all of these wonderful quilts turn out!! I'm excited to see!
OH wow Katsdar!! That owl is quite impressive!!

Ladies, I'm afraid I'm going to have to bow out of this one. I'm afraid I'm going to run out of time to get mine made. We are getting ready for our auction and I'm just a bit overwhelmed! :oops: I even bought my fabric and have it all planned, but I'm afraid I can't get my mind on it as I should. So I will be watching and waiting to see how all of these wonderful quilts turn out!! I'm excited to see!
The owl is the one the instructor did for show and tell here is my owl. and don't worry, September 18 is pics due to my personal e-mail.
This is my owl
now to put leaves on the tree and flowers and mushrooms, and what ever else I can come up with, I was going to do a college but since everyone will guess which one is mine gotta change it up. I really like my eyes
Love the eyes katsdar, strangely enough I have been working on a apron made from a shirt for my oldest DD, she is very into theater so I 'm trying to make an actor mask for the front. I hope it turns out as nice as yours. 20170817_231327.jpg The spacing and others are still in flux. I'll show a final before I give it to her.
I hope your DH is doing better
Love the eyes katsdar, strangely enough I have been working on a apron made from a shirt for my oldest DD, she is very into theater so I 'm trying to make an actor mask for the front. I hope it turns out as nice as yours. View attachment 1114023 The spacing and others are still in flux. I'll show a final before I give it to her.
I hope your DH is doing better
I love that, DH is doing very good thanks, he had 3 stints put into the same artery that is how blocked it was.
OH wow Katsdar!! That owl is quite impressive!!

Ladies, I'm afraid I'm going to have to bow out of this one. I'm afraid I'm going to run out of time to get mine made. We are getting ready for our auction and I'm just a bit overwhelmed! :oops: I even bought my fabric and have it all planned, but I'm afraid I can't get my mind on it as I should. So I will be watching and waiting to see how all of these wonderful quilts turn out!! I'm excited to see!

Would it help if we extended the picture date? I hate to have you miss this when you have something in mind.

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