Summer Storms - what to do?


5 Years
Jun 2, 2014
This is to going to sound like a very silly question, but what do you do.with your guineas and chickens when a big thunderstorm with rain is about to happen? Coop them up or let the coop door stay open so they out?
I leave mine open. We had two days where it reached almost 100 this week (I know, pretty cool by some of the temps I've seen others on here talk about!) and when a TS rolled through they spent part of their time out in the rain cooling off and then ran back into the coop during the really, REALLY loud stuff.
Chicken know more about being chickens than people ever do. Provide shelter, and let them make the choice in or out, or in and out.

Anything that is fully feathered out is pretty weather proof, and if they get chilled, well they will get into the shelter, and their body heat will dry them out.

Mrs K
My group are all in the backyard I have 4 out there that are all adults and 10 that are about 2 and a half months old. I am in Texas so we get some crazy storms too. Some of mine are not so smart,when the winds pick up a few go on in and wait it out. Others think the tree branches will suit there needs and they ride out the storm there. Its kinda sad/funny when its over the Silkies look like drowned rats.I leave it up to them.I am just glad I dint have to chase them around the yard to try to get them in when a serious thunderstorm is moving in. hope this helps. they will figure it out,don't stress
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Thank you so much. I have my 7 week old Guineas outside now with a coop and run. I left them decide and I swear I watched them dance in the rain! LOL They loved it! It was a super hot day today so I'm sure it was a relief to them too.
We just had a TS and heavy rain yesterday (rain for about 20 min) and they all huddled under the coop for shelter. Nobody went inside. We have a shade cloth over our coop, but we are going to get a solid tarp that will cover the entire run (10 x 10) so we can block half off or spread it out to cover the whole thing.

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