Supposed to be a supply run....

Friday a week ago, I got my four chicks to complete my legally allowed flock size. And then I also bought two Cayuga ducklings. I figger, since they're all black, they can be Ninja Stealth Ducks and nobody will notice them. *innocent look*

But oh lordy, are they cute! And maaan, DO they grow fast or what!!!!!! I brought them home twice the size of the chicks, and now they are at least 4x the chicks' size!!

I keep them in the same brooder, but with a hardwire "fence" barrier. Destructo Ducks knocked that over last night and everybody mingled without harm, except for one moment when a duck foot held down a chick foot and the captured chick flapped like crazy to get free. Having seen that, I put the fence back up. But I've changed the chicks over to a nipple waterer in case the ducklings get that fence down again - they totally used up all the water in the regular chick waterer.

Here's what I have for the ducklings:

Just cut a slice out of the lid for them to put their heads in. This really keeps the water mess to a minimum - compared to "open" water sources. (I'll be moving them up to a Cool Whip container very soon - the cottage cheese container is getting too small already!)

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