Surprise chicks from Cackle

Looks like you have quite a few answers but I'll add mine anyway:

1. Must be Turken, what other type of chicken look like that?
2. Not sure about turkeys, I have never raised them
3. Looks like my Golden Laced Cochin Bantam did as a baby
4. I am pretty sure that you are correct, Silver Laced and Golden Laced Polish
5. Could be any of several types of Cochin Bantams. I think the one on the left is a Barred Cochin Bantam (the yellow at the corner of her mouth is a feature mine had as a baby too) and the one on the right could be a Black Cochin or a Birchen Cochin.
6. Almost certain they are White Crested Black Polish

Here is a photo of my Barred Cochin Bantam at that age for reference:

Here are my Birchin Cochin Bantams at the same age:

Hope this helps!

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