Surprise Rooster


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 27, 2008
I bought two young almost full grown Rhode Island Reds this past July. I was told they were young hens that would start laying in September. Well, recently one chicken started growing a large single comb and red loose skin thing under it's beak. Yes, I'm new to chickens. Living in our coop we have one bossy bantam game hen (head hen that's now broody), a large gray Holland Hen?, two EE Hens & the other Rhode Island w/small comb hen. Do I keep the rooster in the hen coop & pen. We also have six 6 week old chicks (we hope are hens) in a cage, waiting to be put in the coop & pen. We hadn't planned on roosters. Can they live together peacefully?
Out of 25 chicks which were supposed to be all hens I have one roo. He is definately the head of the group. They all get along well and he does not have any problem mating with them all. I am really glad I ended up with him.
Do the eggs taste different if they are fertilized? Do they make the hens go broody?
No, the eggs taste the same even when they are fertilized.

Broody hens set on eggs with or without a rooster.
The hens won't go broody unless they are inclined to go broody anyway, the roo won't make a difference . But now if you have a hen go broody you can actually get some chickies out of the deal maybe
Has he started crowing yet? If he isn't crowing, don't be so quick to assume it is a roo. If the hens were supposed to start laying in September, then they will get much larger and redder combs and wattles before they lay.
That's a good point. My RI Red roos look much different from the hens, they have shiny greenish-black tail feathers. I'd say they've been distinguishable since they were about 8 weeks old. Does yours look like this one? (This is Achilles at 18 weeks)
The tail on my chicken isn't as long or the color green, but the comb & skin on the bottom of it's beak looks like yours. I wish I could post a picture. The other chicken's comb is so much smaller. It's not crowing yet.

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