SURVEY.....Calling All BCM Hatching Experts......Show us what ya got!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 4, 2009
North Carolina
I am seeking knowledge and experiences with hatching BCM's. I have 14 eggs in my incubator that were shipped all the way across country. Today is day 22 and I have one gorgeous little chickie. I have only had 2 hatch so far and one peeped well on one side and then peeped really low on the other side. By time I intervended it was to late. The chick was perfectly formed, but just stopped all of a sudden and that was it. I wish I had helped it out sooner, but I wanted to make sure it had absorbed it's yolk.

One of the interesting things I would like to know about it the only one I have hatched from a very tiny egg. It was marked from the breeder PEEWEE just for fun. Now an interesting item is Cracked Up in hatching eggs from the same breeder and the 2 she has hatched so far are from the tiny eggs (she states they are pullet eggs). Most of my eggs were huge which would be great if you have to eat them. Has anyone else had a better hatch rate with small BCM eggs? Do you think maybe the shells aren't as think as the larger ones and they hatch easier.

All the experienced BCM hatcher's SHOW US WHAT YA GOT! Please post your pics too so we can see these beautiful birds!
Second request........BCM experts please tell us your experiences........ help educate us Newbies. Anyone else have the best results with hatching out the little BCM eggs?
I've had 4 dozen sent from 3 different breeders and only got 4 birds- one of whom had 2 vents and didn't make it.

I tossed 7 eggs today from 8 that are on day 18, and hope that the last one hatches. It's very discouraging. I have significantly better hatch rates with everything else but Penedesencas, and those haven't made it- not ONE!

It seems either there's a rotten fertility rate in the eggs I've gotten, or the mailing is just too much for this breed.

*sigh* I'm really looking forward to finding some I can pick up less than an hour away.
Well it's been a really rough day. I don't know what went wrong, I finally peeled all of my eggs -It took hours and I did it
carefully like the sticky said. I could possibly get five more chicks out of it. Right now they're all in the incubator with poly-vi-sol in each of their beaks. Two really look pretty good and the rest are iffy at best. Some were pipped at the total wrong end, some I couldn't find their beak to let them breathe and I think all of their shells were too thick. All of the ones that were alive had all of their yolk absorbed,so they were ready, just goofed up.

This was my first time with egg cartons and I don't know if I'll try that again. Earlier today I thought I would never do this again and then I remembered I have about 40 eggs due to hatch in two weeks.

I'll let you know how they do. It does sound really good to hear the incubator peeping again.
I don't use egg cartons- I lay mine on their sides, and I think I would fear the problems you described if I did use cartons.

I'm sorry you had such a stressful day! I'm glad it wasn't all bad, though!
Riven - can we pick your brain a little. Chickiemomma and I lost ours late, mostly fully developed. Do you keep the temp and humidity the same at hatching? Some people say they hatch the same as all their other eggs others say to lower the humidity. With your regular hatch do you lower the temp at the end? Do you raise the humidity? What kind of incubator do you have? If I ever decide to try this breed again I want to try to do a better job of it. Do you usually have to help yours out? Sorry for all the questions but I really thought this was going to be a good hatch and I'm upset about seeing all those dead fully formed chicks.

Hi usschicago1, yes I am guessing they are black copper marans (or brown reds).

Thanks for the thread chickiemomma4, can you tell me how far they have travelled? I am receiving eggs that will have travelled quite aways to get to me so I am all ears.

cheers, Dalles

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