<Survival of the Fittest> A Woods RP

Luna got up and left the cave she could smell a pair of wolves near by. She didn't want to risk the Cubs by investigating so she killed a near by deer and dragged the body back to the den.
Mayan smiled. "Thank you." She said happily. She stood up and shook out her fur, then laid back down

Nomad sat up and said, " I think I'd like that. There is safety in numbers. Even if it is just two. " He said honestly.
Mayan yawned and moved into a sleeping position, then remembered she was out in the open . She walked over to Nomad, and curled up next to him, her back touching his, and then closed her eyes trustingly
Originally Posted by JabbaDaHutt

Mist said "Ooh, wow! Can you teach me how to get animals?" She looked at Lilac with pleading eyes.
I think your still too little." Lilac said sadly "It would be fun to teach you though!" she added sadly.
After feasting on the deer, Luna decided to take the risk. She hid the pups and then sett off to find the other wolves that she had smelt.
Claw was out with the deer when he saw the wolf that was about to give birth a day ago leave for somewhere. He knew her pups must be around. He smelt the faint scent of birth.
After feasting on the deer, Luna decided to take the risk. She hid the pups and then sett off to find the other wolves that she had smelt.
Lilac snuck out she had smelled wolf pups and never thought they were predators, just more friends. She saw them and ran up to them. Lilac sniffed at them warily.

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