Surviving H1N1


Urban Desert Chicken Enthusiast
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
May 14, 2008
North Phoenix
My Coop
My Coop
Well I'm all better now, but people keep avoiding me. I don't get it?






















And, no, I didn't really have the swine flu, but the above pic made me laugh!
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Thats a funny picture.

But its a bit scarey though. Not the picture but the H1N1. In a town 20 minuts away from me there has been a hand full of cases. Then in a town 2 hours away. And now they have some confirmed cases of it in our schools here in town. Im affraid to send my child to school. Although it isnt in the elementry school. But it didnt say which one. So it is either the high school or the middle school. But most kids have siblings in the smaller school. Im affraid that we will catch it. My kids have health insurance but my husband and I cant afford it. And we also cant afford a doctor bill either.. Chewing my fingernails now.
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OMG, what is that thing???

I am glad you are better, I don't know why people would still be avoiding you. You are awfully, um, well, ok - cute (?) in that pic.

Your a sick puppy Mahonri...
*is that thing real? I think i want one...*
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