suspected cancer on my eye


12 Years
Nov 30, 2007
I went monday to see a dr. and he is sending me to a top cancer dr. here in our state of ky. I am suppose to go the 20th of this month. As some of you may remember a couple of three years ago I posted a pic of this growth on my eyelid. well my new dr. thinks it is cancer. the growth covers my eyelid and has spread down my nose on the left side, the thing is it goes up and under the eye socket now also under the bone like going up in my brain. I have now also started having headaches that no meds touches the pain from and am losing my eyesight in that eye. so if you could send up a few for me. thanks
no it has been there for about 6 years but I had no medical insurance and no dr. would touch it. now I just found out where my dr. is sending me does not take the insurance now so am waiting for a call back from his office to see what to do now. so it looks like I am stuck with this thing growing on me and no solution yet.
That is really sad that doctors knew of this that long ago and did nothing because of no insurance. I worked for many years in an ophthalmology/retina center and there were often occasions that we would see a patient with serious issues, needing treatment asap and no insurance. We did not abandon those patients, we worked with them to get some kind of coverage, state aid, whatever we had to do. I hope that you are now able to get the treatment you need and that all goes well. Best wishes to you.

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