
A green or grey hoodie would suit me fine, doesn't matter what it says. Dark colors collect alot of fur around my house too with 3 dogs and 2 cats, so I've learned my lesson when buying black or navy blue even though I love those colors.
I ordered some t shirts through cafepress and the logos on them fell apart after being washed twice. Personally I would rather get better quality. I know my last BYC shirts have been washed many times and still look great!
I know our school orders from a screen printing company and we got our personalized hoodies and sweatpants for like $40 together. I think the hoodie was like $25 and the pants $15. They do a really nice job. I can see if I can find out what the company's name is.
I want a hoodie and a pullover. Grey or brown would be nice. I would be willing to pay $50.-$60. for a really good hoodie, and around $25.-30. for a pull over.

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