We bought this Swedish Flower Hen unsexed at a day old from a local breeder. It got a really bad eye infection and at one point, we did not think it was going to make it. After a lot of intensive care, it has come through with flying colors and is playing catch up on growing. It is full of life and attitude and a wonderful little chick! Now, the big question, is it a pullet or cockerel? It is 11 weeks old this week and we really hope it is a pullet. We already have two unexpected roos plus one that was expected! Maybe it is too young to tell yet?
Oh yeah, here is one of our Silver Laced Wyandotte "pullets" that we are pretty sure is a he rather than a she. What do you think?
Oh yeah, here is one of our Silver Laced Wyandotte "pullets" that we are pretty sure is a he rather than a she. What do you think?