Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Mine does have brown in the feathers around the neck area.

I think you can see the brown if you click on these and look at them on full screen.

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Hello Everyone!
I "lucked" into 9 SFH this weekend & I am thrilled! There in 2 groups one with 1 Roo/3 hens From GFF just over 2 years old. The other group is 1 Roo & 4 pullets approx 8.5 months old. I think I have a great mix of color & can't wait till the hubby has time to help me get some pics.

It is the second group I am hoping to get a little info on. I got all 9 of them from a woman in Las Cruces NM named Beth. Her BYC name is Icatty. The younger group, came from Knock Knee on BYC Who is very particular & a "big time" culler (according to Beth)

These birds are BEAUTIFUL, the only possible negative I can find so far is a preference negative. Five of them are crested & I think I prefer NON crested.

I am considering switching the Roosters, thinking that it may mix up the genetics a bit more as they have always been the way she got them (Gff together, KK together)...

It will be few months before I am ready but I would LOVE to do some swapping when the time comes! My birds are mostly Blue/Grey & Black that are very flowered or the couple that are Orange/Red/yellowed are very lightly flowered. I will be doing research over the next few months on breeding & genetics as I've only bred my Blue Andalusians, less variables there.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!

Hello Everyone!
I "lucked" into 9 SFH this weekend & I am thrilled! There in 2 groups one with 1 Roo/3 hens From GFF just over 2 years old. The other group is 1 Roo & 4 pullets approx 8.5 months old. I think I have a great mix of color & can't wait till the hubby has time to help me get some pics.

It is the second group I am hoping to get a little info on. I got all 9 of them from a woman in Las Cruces NM named Beth. Her BYC name is Icatty. The younger group, came from Knock Knee on BYC Who is very particular & a "big time" culler (according to Beth)

These birds are BEAUTIFUL, the only possible negative I can find so far is a preference negative. Five of them are crested & I think I prefer NON crested.

I am considering switching the Roosters, thinking that it may mix up the genetics a bit more as they have always been the way she got them (Gff together, KK together)...

It will be few months before I am ready but I would LOVE to do some swapping when the time comes! My birds are mostly Blue/Grey & Black that are very flowered or the couple that are Orange/Red/yellowed are very lightly flowered. I will be doing research over the next few months on breeding & genetics as I've only bred my Blue Andalusians, less variables there.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!


c'mon hubby! we need pics!!!!
HAHA! Hubby is great about a ton of things.... Helping me get pictures of anything other than our grandson is NOT one of them. I'm hoping I can get my daughter to come over tomorrow or the next day to help. I had a massive right brain stroke 2 years ago and though my brain damage is much less than they told us it would be, my 2 major issues are severe focus issues in both of my eyes causing what I call "eyegrains" & some medium severe left side weakness. I can't complain at all really if my only major ongoing problem is trouble getting pictures in a timely manner LoL

I had planned on getting an endangered dual purpose breed for my 2nd breed but these birds are amazing! i'm thinking I will go with "Colored" Dorkings for breed 3 & still deciding on 4.....
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HAHA! Hubby is great about a ton of things.... Helping me get pictures of anything other than our grandson is NOT one of them. I'm hoping I can get my daughter to come over tomorrow or the next day to help. I had a massive right brain stroke 2 years ago and though my brain damage is much less than they told us it would be, my 2 major issues are severe focus issues in both of my eyes causing what I call "eyegrains" & some medium severe left side weakness. I can't complain at all really if my only major ongoing problem is trouble getting pictures in a timely manner LoL

I had planned on getting an endangered dual purpose breed for my 2nd breed but these birds are amazing! i'm thinking I will go with "Colored" Dorkings for breed 3 & still deciding on 4.....

if you want to work on a breed in need, don't go with colored. it's more of a project than anything else, as the colors have been so mixed they don't tend to breed true no matter what... the reds and silver greys are seriously in need of work for improving size more than anything else. the sg type is good, the red's size is ok but some lines lack type others size...

my youngest sg dorkings are by far my largest. I lost my awesome red roo back in august, but hoping to get another from the same lines down the road...

my breed choices were more about personality first, then other considerations second... the bantam cochin was top of my list, the dorking second. then I hatched some sfh for a friend and fell in love with hers, so I had to get some of my own, and they've blown me away with the great personality... tho i'm aggravated right now with my own, they're stubbornly refusing to lay ever since I penned them going on 3 months ago now!!! granted I had a butt of a roo, who's gone now so they're much happier without him, so hopefully soon... someone has been playing in the nest box, there's a nice hollow in the hay. LOL
Hello Everyone!
  I "lucked" into 9 SFH this weekend & I am thrilled! There in 2 groups one with 1 Roo/3 hens From GFF just over 2 years old. The other group is 1 Roo & 4 pullets approx 8.5 months old. I think I have a great mix of color & can't wait till the hubby has time to help me get some pics. 

It is the second group I am hoping to get a little info on. I got all 9 of them from a woman in Las Cruces NM named Beth. Her BYC name is Icatty. The younger group, came from Knock Knee on BYC Who is very particular & a "big time" culler (according to Beth) 

These birds are BEAUTIFUL, the only possible negative I can find so far is a preference negative. Five of them are crested & I think I prefer NON crested.

I am considering switching the Roosters, thinking that it may mix up the genetics a bit more as they have always been the way she got them (Gff together, KK together)...

It will be few months before I am ready but I would LOVE to do some swapping when the time comes! My birds are mostly Blue/Grey & Black that are very flowered or the couple that are Orange/Red/yellowed are very lightly flowered. I will be doing research over the next few months on breeding & genetics as I've only bred my Blue Andalusians, less variables there.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!


Welcome! Can't wait to see pics. :)

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