Swedish Flower Hen Thread

well, if it makes you feel any better, my 2 ky chicks, Confetti (looks like someone dumped a load of it over him LOL) is a roo for sure, i'm still on the fence about the crested penguin... pretty sure the one of leigh's that I kept is a pullet.

of my second bunch, eggs from wildhorseannie (Marcia) and from Leigh, I have 3 of Marcia's and 4 of Leigh's. no idea on sexes overall, but leigh's I have 2 blue mille and 2 red/white. 1 of each is crested, and of Marcia's, I have a penguin and 2 darker mille colored ones.

Can you post a picture of "penguin"? I thin but am not sure I understand the color pattern that you mean. Thanks!
New to SFH. Is the difference in comb development typical for this breed? Or do we have two different ages? Mail order birds from GF. Thoughts?
Thanks! This picture shows the difference in some of the combs.
New to SFH. Is the difference in comb development typical for this breed? Or do we have two different ages? Mail order birds from GF. Thoughts?
Thanks! This picture shows the difference in some of the combs.

Yep - it looks like the front chick may be a pullet and the back chick is definitely a cockerel. The cockerel will also be crested.
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Yep - it looks like the front chick may be a pullet and the back chick is definitely a cockerel. The cockerel will also be crested.
So the cockerels are easily sexed at a young age by the size of the comb? That would make sorting easy as these chicks are less than one month!
So the cockerels are easily sexed at a young age by the size of the comb? That would make sorting easy as these chicks are less than one month!
This one seems to be easy. In general, SFH can fool you for a long time. I have one SFH roo who seemed to be a pullet because there was no significant development in his comb for almost 3+months. Rather belatedly, the comb started growing and he started crowing. I have four SFH chicks that are almost two months old and three definitely appear to be cockerels with just one pullet.

I have two SFH chicks that are one month old. One acts like a cockerel; it is curious, inquisitive, & wants to jump up on everything. The other is content to stay on the floor. Bottom line: With SFH, sometimes the jury is out for a long time before you can be sure of the gender of a given chick.
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Karen, I thought you had 4 of mine...
and I'd love to see pictures!
going to try and label these... the group consists of 2 older cockerels (pretty sure) from kytinpusher, 4 from Leigh's eggs (2 red/white, 2 blue mille, 1 of each is crested) and 3 from wildhorseannie (aka Marcia) a penguin and 2 milles... plus one ee mix (with buff cochin), 2 bantam cochins and a bantam blrw (black laced) cockerel.


oldest pullet from Leigh, hatched 9/16


Leigh's by Sorenson - 10/13 hatch


Leigh's by Sorenson in the front (crested), the other 2 (mille left and penguin right) are both from Marcia's eggs. - 10/13 hatch


from Leigh's eggs, crested blue mille, same red/white as 2nd pic - 10/13 hatch


'confetti' from kytinpusher's eggs. cockerel for sure, lovely markings too. hatched 9/16


crested penguin from kytinpusher - thinking cockerel again... same hatch as confetti.


assorted chicks, mostly sfh - partridge cochin pullet in the corner and one of them (font most I think) is a mille fleur bantam cochin cockerel.


assorted chicks, mostly sfh plus a buff cochin ee mix between the penguins.


confetti, pullet of Leigh's and younger sfh plus a bantam blrw cockerel in the middle.


Confetti, Penguin and a pile o' sfh

ETA, the blue things on their wings are wing bands... permanently attached form of ID. worn kind of like an earring but they aren't easily removable. by the time the birds are mature, you won't see the bands at all.
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