Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Can anyone tell me what a good price range is for a breeding quad of SFH would be? They are GFF stock. The roo is crested, one hen is crested and 2 aren't. They are varying colors. I know there are many variables but I'm curious what you've seen them going for?
I'd post a picture but I can't seem to upload them right now.
OleMiss, how old are they? That would factor in to how much I'd be willing to pay for them. Are the females point of lay or two years old? That would make a difference in what you could expect to get out of them and when. I'm interested to know what price points others have. I've only had mine since last spring (thanks, Bulldogma!) and so I'm curious about what price I should set for extra chicks I hatch out this year. I'm not planning to go hatch crazy because I'm having a baby this spring but I would like to get an idea from the forum since no one nearby on craigslist has any for a point of reference.
OleMiss, how old are they? That would factor in to how much I'd be willing to pay for them. Are the females point of lay or two years old? That would make a difference in what you could expect to get out of them and when. I'm interested to know what price points others have. I've only had mine since last spring (thanks, Bulldogma!) and so I'm curious about what price I should set for extra chicks I hatch out this year. I'm not planning to go hatch crazy because I'm having a baby this spring but I would like to get an idea from the forum since no one nearby on craigslist has any for a point of reference.

Congratulations on your baby!!

And I think we'd all enjoy seeing recent photos of your SFH flock when you get a chance! (I know I would! LOL!)
Can anyone tell me what a good price range is for a breeding quad of SFH would be? They are GFF stock. The roo is crested, one hen is crested and 2 aren't. They are varying colors. I know there are many variables but I'm curious what you've seen them going for?
I'd post a picture but I can't seem to upload them right now.

I paid $30 per hen for my breeding quad and roo from GFF. They were about 18 months olds. Most were none-crested and a couple hens had tiny crests. The chicks had either crests or none. The crests were bigger than the parents. I got the set from a lady who got them from GFF.
OleMiss, how old are they? That would factor in to how much I'd be willing to pay for them. Are the females point of lay or two years old? That would make a difference in what you could expect to get out of them and when. I'm interested to know what price points others have. I've only had mine since last spring (thanks, Bulldogma!) and so I'm curious about what price I should set for extra chicks I hatch out this year. I'm not planning to go hatch crazy because I'm having a baby this spring but I would like to get an idea from the forum since no one nearby on craigslist has any for a point of reference.

Oh, congratulations! Spring really is baby season for you then. lol
I know there are several factors in pricing, including demand, competition, etc. I *think* these are under a year but will check on that. Some of them are really beautiful birds. I just tried to upload again and BYC is giving me error messages, it's driving me nuts but I'll keep trying.
I'm doing a photo chronicle of frostbite to see how it turns out over the course of time. I've seen some that have "pinked up" in the spring after looking pretty bad in the winter so I'm trying to keep photos every few weeks and note the temperature swings, etc. That way we all have something we can look at when spring comes to see how it turns out.

Seems like most the ones that I've seen that got really bad were on the birds that were "treated" in various ways after they got frostbite. I'm watching for any signs of deterioration/wetness/rot, etc. But as long as it stays dry I'm not treating while the weather is cold. (Reruns I know...)

I actually did treat Blue's frostbite, and they did not get any additional damage the following day/night when it was still near 0 Fahrenheit. His frostbite is pretty mild and seems to be healing well. It has turned brownish-yellow around the edges and looks to be peeling just a little... but it only got the tips of his comb and the very bottom edge of his wattles.

I'm very thankful Mace was not affected at all. If I were to show a bird, he'd be the one!
I think it does depend on what your temperatures are like. And I was thinking primarily about wattles rather than combs.

Where I've seen a problem is when people have temps in the negatives, bring them into the house, treat, then put them back out in those temps over and over and over again. I've seen some really bad damage on those in that kind of situation but when they left them out it didn't get worse. I'm "thinking" it's because of the extremes of temps combined with putting something on it over and over. Imagine a 75 - 85 degree temperature change from inside to outside.

If the temps aren't as extreme I think the outcome would likely be different as you are experiencing.

Well, anyhow, I'll be interested to see how Mister's wattles turn out.

(I changed their "wet feed" setup and he got his wattles wet in it even thought I "thought" I had it set so no wattles would be in the feed. I changed it back immediately but it only took one time. I'm convinced that most of the frostbitten wattles I see are due to wattles hanging in water bowls which is why I only provide "restricted opening" water during the winter so the wattles stay on the outside of the water....same for wet feed. Very frustrated that the change in my setup didn't work correctly!)

This was on Jan. 15. He got the fb when it was below 0 the day I changed the feed set-up. (I think -15 with wind chills in -40s but they stayed inside so no wind.) This is after a warm-up of 40F weather for about 4 days. It's actually looking better than I thought it was going to.
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