Swedish Flower Hen Thread

I am 100% interested. I will see if I can find someone, or a couple people that would be able to help get him to me.

I was just crushed when I got home because they were to be the foundation of my flock!
My two SFH cockrells were killed by the neighbors dog today. It makes me want to cry and scream at the same time... they were such pretty boys and I hadn't even introduced my SFH pulllet to them yet.

That dang dog killed my boys and took them home to feed to her puppies!

I need to find myself a new non-crested Roo... but first, I build a nice large run so that the birds are only out when I am home to keep an eye on them.

first things first, I'd shoot the dog. or the dog's owner for not keeping her penned where she should be... doesn't matter if she's got puppies to feed. your birds were potentially going to feed YOUR kids someday...

IMO that dog owner needs to pay for the birds AND a pen for you since you now need to lock them up to protect them from HIS dog.
I am 100% interested. I will see if I can find someone, or a couple people that would be able to help get him to me.

I was just crushed when I got home because they were to be the foundation of my flock!

Awww... so sorry! That really sucks!

These boys are 11 weeks old right now, so it won't be tooooo long before they are chasing the girls. I can try to get pictures for you in the next day or two.
My two SFH cockrells were killed by the neighbors dog today. It makes me want to cry and scream at the same time... they were such pretty boys and I hadn't even introduced my SFH pulllet to them yet.

That dang dog killed my boys and took them home to feed to her puppies!

I need to find myself a new non-crested Roo... but first, I build a nice large run so that the birds are only out when I am home to keep an eye on them.
GROAN! How awful! We have 15 week old cockerels straight from GFF. We only need one. They are both beautiful. Let me know if you are interested.

Your neighbor should be held somewhat liable. Pay for new birds. Pen the dog up, whatever. Some compensation would be quite nice for you. My husband says he'd be shooting himself some dog!

In addition to what Bulldogma is offering and you are looking for some diversity, I have white-based, white/red cockerel that is uncrested available. He was hatched in mid-September. I live in the very northern part of Virginia where MD-VA-WV come together. I will try to get a picture posted tomorrow. Having a backup cockerel is always a good idea.
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Having a backup cockerel is always a good idea.

My problem was that both my boys got snagged in one day by the same dog. I tracked the blood and feathers right back to her dog house.

My husband says he'd be shooting himself some dog!

My wife and I discussed how much we would love to employ the SSS model of predator control... but this dang dog has 5 week old puppies, so the conversation never was serious.

I truly appreciate the support you folks have been tonight. I look forward to some pictures tomorrow.
My problem was that both my boys got snagged in one day by the same dog. I tracked the blood and feathers right back to her dog house.

My wife and I discussed how much we would love to employ the SSS model of predator control... but this dang dog has 5 week old puppies, so the conversation never was serious.

I truly appreciate the support you folks have been tonight. I look forward to some pictures tomorrow.

Did you talk to the neighbor about payment?
OK - so it's not flopping around or anything, and no broken skin... but I can just detect the movement when I examine her. So you think I should unwrap it?
My hen broke her leg and it was a clean break. Made it easier for me that I didn't have to try to set it. I didn't do anything for the first three days. I put her in a crate to limit her movement and gave her aspirin to keep the inflammation and swelling down.

On day three I went ahead and wrapped it. I used one layer of cotton batting, then I spliced some tubing that I had. It fit over the leg and cotton wrap perfectly. I hear that you can use irrigation hose for the tubing if you can't find something.

I used a wide emery board, bent in half along the back of the leg. I extended the tip just past her foot, so that when she put weight on it, the bulk of the weight was on the splint and not on her foot. S

I kept it on her for 8 weeks. I kept checking her toes in the beginning to make sure they were warm and the right color. I unwrapped the emery board once to make sure that the tube wasn't rubbing on her leg. I changed the outer wrap a couple of times because it was nasty. Otherwise I kept my hands off her, which was REALLY hard for me. LOL I kept her in a medium sized crate in my coop. I'd take her out with supervision to allow her to sun and peck around the dirt.

Here she is inspecting my handy work!

As the saying goes, there's more than one way to skin a cat. I prefer splinting the leg to protect it from further damage.
My two SFH cockrells were killed by the neighbors dog today.  It makes me want to cry and scream at the same time... they were such pretty boys and I hadn't even introduced my SFH pulllet to them yet.  

That dang dog killed my boys and took them home to feed to her puppies!:(

I need to find myself a new non-crested Roo... but first, I build a nice large run so that the birds are only out when I am home to keep an eye on them.
That's terrible! I hope your neighbor will compensate you the cost of replacing the birds. It's no consolation, but at least it would help and hopefully
teach your neighbor that allowing their dogs to roam free comes with a price.

I only have one SFH roo. BUT, what I did was give my sweet roos to friends and locals that were interested in a roo, with the stipulation that I might have to
borrow one back should something happen to my guy. They're so pretty that people who keep mixed flocks are happy to have such a colorful and rare rooster.

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