Swedish Flower Hen Thread

The coop and the run all have nets...32 x 32 feet and the other one is about 20 x 20. I got fine black fishing net on ebay.....works great and keep the starling and sparrows out as well. If I l would let mine free range, I would use bamboo poles, about 10 feet high and then drape it down from the top so it hangs down about 4 feet from the ground. When I do let them free range, I hang out in the area as the hawks and eagles will try to pick them off. Finally the one persistent hawk gave up and went somewhere else. They will come back for a free meal but if nothing is available, they will move on
I'm sure this has been asked lol but how do you find your hens as layers, consistensy wise. Did it take them longer then other breeds to get into the swing of things?
Does anybody have any photos of chicks compared to how they feather out as adults? Is there any way to estimate the kind of coloration they'll have as they mature?
Do you have the net just over the run? I'm thinking of a way to put up some kind of netting/deterrent over a large area where they range. I have some ideas floating around in my head, but like to hear/see what others have come up with.

You can also try long, narrow runs. Birds of prey are loathe to descend into areas where wing clearance is difficult to obtain, so running electric netting in a 4 ft wide swath can help deter raptor attacks in a quasi-free range situation, like if you're moving chickens through a pasture with a chicken tractor-type deal. It still gives plenty of room for the chickens to move back and forth but makes them relatively safe without having to run overhead protection as well. If you have a permanent run in mind, DEFINITELY put wire or some kind of overhead protection because your climbing predators like raccoons don't care how wide or narrow the pen is.
Does anybody have any photos of chicks compared to how they feather out as adults? Is there any way to estimate the kind of coloration they'll have as they mature?
IME, nope. Half the fun is seeing how they turn out. I have had black chicks end up red or white, and yellow chicks end up red or tan. Half the fun of the breed ;)
The coop and the run all have nets...32 x 32 feet and the other one is about 20 x 20. I got fine black fishing net on ebay.....works great and keep the starling and sparrows out as well. If I l would let mine free range, I would use bamboo poles, about 10 feet high and then drape it down from the top so it hangs down about 4 feet from the ground. When I do let them free range, I hang out in the area as the hawks and eagles will try to pick them off. Finally the one persistent hawk gave up and went somewhere else. They will come back for a free meal but if nothing is available, they will move on

I've been thinking of doing something like you say w/ the netting like that over the range area. My "run/pen" has the inexpensive deer/bird netting over it and it works fine for hawks. Very inexpensive too.

Can you post a link to the kind of black fish netting you used?
Does anybody have any photos of chicks compared to how they feather out as adults? Is there any way to estimate the kind of coloration they'll have as they mature?

IMO they're completely variable. some are more white as chicks than adults, some are darker chicks than adults, some stay the same...

the only part that doesn't change from it's chick feathers is whether it's blue black or splash based. so far splash chicks have been easy, they're mostly yellow/white as youngsters.

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