Swedish Flower Hen Thread

When you say the chicks will not hatch because of it and if they do hatch will die shortly after hatching you are saying it is a lethal gene. It is obvious what posts are being talked about.

a question was asked, sensibly answered, and you keep distorting what was said and repeating back inaccurate information... I'm done with this topic, thanks.
Polite roos are a wonderful thing!

Well - line breeding, inter breeding and even inbreeding are not unheard of practices among chicken breeders. Ultimately it is up to you. I wouldn't worry about breeding 1/2 siblings personally - or uncles to nieces, so to speak. There is still enough genetic diversity in those crosses. I'll let some others chime in here with their own thoughts and experiences.
yes, line breeding and inbreeding are used commonly in poultry... it can be used to intensify or eliminate traits depending which way you go with it. it can be used to 'set' a trait or eliminate it, depending on birds used... sometimes over a few generations, sometimes just one.
Post 7965 reads:

"Some breeds have been bred crest to crest for hundreds of years and have adapted.

There is a known issue with breeding crested SFH to crested SFH - high mortality, vaulted skulls, inability to hatch...

Did I state that the chicks from crested x crested pairings WILL die in the shell or shortly after hatch and present this as an absolute fact, or did I say "There is a known issue?" These two phrases are NOT the same thing. "A known issue" means there is a history of problems. It does not mean ALL birds die in the shell or shortly after birth.

Post 7965 continues:

"Every breed is different and has evolved differently. In the southern regions of Sweden, farms had mostly uncrested birds. Other regions to the north had primarily crested birds. We can assume a certain amount of evolutions in those regions that kept primarily crested birds... and that birds from regions that kept primarily uncrested birds would likely have different genetics. Thus, it is likely that the most fatal of crosses result from breeding crested birds to heterozygous crested birds with a primarily uncrested lineage who have not had time to evolve to the point of lower mortality rates from homozygous crests.

Long story short... a Swedish Flower Hen is not a Silkie or a Polish. Just because one can breed other breeds to have heterozygous genetics for crests does not mean the same can be applied to a breed where at least half the gene pool is not meant to be crested."

Please note the verbiage specifically designed to indicate that a THEORY is being discussed... I have put them in BOLD for your reading pleasure. So, ancientoaks, no - you are not reading it correctly if you take these words as statements of absolute facts.
Thank you.
There is no scientific history of any problems with crested to crested breeding in the Swedish flower hen. So when you post your theory on this list it is taken by many who do not know better as fact. Since you claim you are just giving your own theory and not stating fact then I apologize for miss reading your post. Please in the future make it clear that this is not a proven fact and just the opinion of a few on this forum. I'll also try to remember to not let it bother me if it is brought up again.
Well...I'm hoping that one learns how to fly here from VA.


Still haven't been able to find Walli's phone number either.
How is everybody's weather?

Raise your hand if you like balloons.


And on to far more interesting thoughts, who here will be hatching Swedish Flower chicks this spring?

Glad we've moved on. Me! I'm hatching. The birds were just separated over the weekend so I'll start collecting in 2-3 weeks. I'm using my black based (I think) uncrested roo over crested and uncrested pullets, 6 pullets, 1 roo. Here he is sizing up one of my Breese girls a few weeks ago.
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How is everybody's weather?

Raise your hand if you like balloons.


And on to far more interesting thoughts, who here will be hatching Swedish Flower chicks this spring?

i only have one SFH at this point, a lovely pullet, but am attempting to hatch three blue isbar/SFH crosses (plus some CLs and campine eggs), just to see what a swedish cross might look like (don't worry, i won't pass them off as pure!) -- and they are due to hatch today or tomorrow, so exciting!
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Glad we've moved on. Me! I'm hatching. The birds were just separated over the weekend so I'll start collecting in 2-3 weeks. I'm using my black based (I think) uncrested roo over crested and uncrested pullets, 6 pullets, 1 roo. Here he is sizing up one of my Breese girls a few weeks ago.
He is definitely black based. Pretty boy indeed!

i only have one SFH at this point, a lovely pullet, but am attempting to hatch three blue isbar/SFH crosses (plus some CLs and campine eggs), just to see what a swedish cross might look like (don't worry, i won't pass them off as pure!) -- and they are due to hatch today or tomorrow, so exciting!
Can't wait for chick pictures!

Well...I'm hoping that one learns how to fly here from VA.


Still haven't been able to find Walli's phone number either.
I hate to tell you this, but your little black pullet (who lives in my laundry room) is getting spoiled. She's the sweetest little thing!

Weather sucks!
2nd batch on day three!
Our weather is yucky, too.
Hooray on the 2nd batch! How many in this batch?

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