Swedish Flower Hen Thread

1. It's cold but the big snow we were expecting missed us. :) It went further south.

3. I belong to the great-backyard bird count on facebook, and today someone posted a photo of a hawk that was flying with it's dinner, a squirrel. You would not believe the discussion that ensued. Squirrel haters, squirrel lovers... People who thought that it was inappropriate to post the photo. A moderator had to step in.
4. I have a few eggs due to hatch tomorrow. I hope I get at least a few chicks because I gave my roosters away right after I collected these eggs.
LOL - yes - all the snow came here!
Even though I've had my chickens locked up since I lost Birta to a hawk attack, that hawk has still been doing regular fly-bys.
for your eggs!

I have seven sfh in my brinsea. hoping for good results. For the last two days the eggs from one coop have been frozen. Aarrghh!!
Stayed home today because the library was closed due to weather. My birds just won't step out on the snow.
Got 50 lbs. of tomatoes on Saturday. Today they are 10 pints of thick sauce.
I have 3 littles int eh sewing room. Don't ask.
One is black with a white chest. Fingers crossed she will stay dark because I have mostly reds in my flock right now.
for your eggs too!
Yum - tomato sauce!!
A house just isn't a home without at least one chick/chicken somewhere within its walls - LOL! Fingers crossed that your black stays black.
The weather has sucked here as well, looks like it will start warming up some this week only to get cold again!
We have babies in the brooder and more to go into lockdown tonight!

Would love to find a used Dickey or GQF! The incubator I have isnt big enough. Does anyone else have that problem?
Awww - look at those sweet babies!!

She does laundry too? Wow....

LOL - because she gets held a lot, she creates a lot of laundry. LOL!
My SFH are doing amazing they are so tame and bread makes them tamer. I spoil them so it is my fault but I enjoy them. I will get pictures when the weather warms up and they grow some. All 16 are doing fantastic.
My SFH are doing amazing they are so tame and bread makes them tamer. I spoil them so it is my fault but I enjoy them. I will get pictures when the weather warms up and they grow some. All 16 are doing fantastic.
So glad to hear it! That group was tough to part with. I'm happy to hear you are enjoying them.

But do yours do laundry?
The weather also stinks here, but it encouraged my chicks into the big coop. They have been in the run and free ranging with my adult birds for a couple weeks. But last night they learned that thermal mass is a good thing when you are trying to stay warm. The cute thing is that one of my silkies jumped off the roost and cuddled right up to the little ones to help keep them warm. I hope she turns broodie and hatches some SFH's for me this fall when my birds start laying.
Weather is good here. Yesterday the high was 12 with 9inches of snow on the ground, today it was 45 and most the snow is gone. Gotta love spring in the Rockies.

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