Swedish Flower Hen Thread

I agree with BULLDOGMA that he doesn't look like a SFH. I had recently seen your auction on ebay for SFH eggs with him showing as your roo and thought he was something else. Last year I got two orders of SFH chicks from GFF and in one they included a chick that was a splash Barnevelder. It was not listed anywhere that they had sent this chick and when he grew up looking considerably different from the rest, I sent Jenny a photo and asked. She confirmed what he was and she said she had no idea how he got in the bunch. As a day old chick he was somewhat similar to the SFH and because he ended up splash he kind of looked like the splash SFHs but I knew he wasn't. Had it been someone else that received him, they probably would have bred him as a SFH
I had 2 chipmunk chicks from GFF with my SFH. I asked and they assured me that all the extra's sent were SFH. It wasn't until about 8 wks when I posted photos here that I learned I had 2 CLB cockerels! This group knows their SFH. It's disappointing in a way but so nice to know what you are working with. Now I wonder just what that rooster is!
Here is an example.

I hatched some Spitzhaubens eggs out that I had bought. None had crest and one had a small beard. The seller claimed they were pure Spitz. I disagreed. Turns out the bearded chick was an Americauna(?) roo over a Pavlovskaya hen. The crestless Spitz were from her crestless roo she had pulled out a couple of week earlier...it took a bit of pressing to get this info. She has no idea how the Pavlovskaya egg got in with my Spitz eggs. That accidental mismating was a one afternoon flyover? Had I believed the crest would develop later and bred the chicks, I would be doing the breed a disservice. Yes they are Spitz BUT the roo has no crest....which is not breed standard. None of these chicks will stay.

They just looked a bit off and thus not in the breeding program. Better safe than sorry.

I don't know what happened in your case but it takes just one accident (fly-or the fence or having a roo that is growing up and you think he isn't breeding but really is or even in some cases the sperm is viable in the hen for three weeks)...maybe they had a flyover and then 2 weeks later pulled the eggs thinking it was ok, but the hen can retain the sperm for 2-3 weeks....BUT when in doubt, don't use him.
Do all the chicks look like the penguin then change?

no, they are quite variable, as I'm sure you've already heard/seen

Quote: sorry tnbearchick, that is NOT sfh... they have mottling not barring. like Leigh said, GFF has been known to mix in a few others of odd breeds now and then. do NOT use this guy in the sfh pens please. he will pass that barring to 100% of his chicks most likely, producing even more 'wrong' chicks...
yes, I have been breeding SFH's for 3 years, I know what the standard is considered. I also know that you never know what to expect and with the SFH's being a landrace fowl and coming from 3 areas lots of things can pop up. I have a message to Jenny from GFF about this Roo. Rest assured, she will know if he should be considered a SFH- if she tells me to not breed him then I will not have him in my pens and well... we all know what happens to undesirable roosters.
the thing is, since barring is dominant, at least one of his parents HAD to be barred to pass it along.

so someone mixed up an egg or a chick somewhere along the line. I wouldn't necessarily eat him, if you find out what breed he is, someone may need that roo.

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